Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Stock Talk Bullshit

I would rather listen to people who have actually done it and are doing it. Doing what you might ask? Making fucken money buying and selling stocks is what.

I just get so sick and tired of listening and reading about wannabees telling other people what they should do or shouldn't. Buy this stock because, or you should sell that now because. Because you have no fucken clue of what it takes so why not go out and do it yourself before you dispense bullshit quotes all over message boards and discussion forums.

Who the fuck wants to listen to some whiny fucken millenial preach on about how to make income buying dividend stocks.

How much dividend income you collected since you started investing like maybe 5 years ago? I mean really, now you're an expert investor because you made a few bucks collecting dividends. Yawn! Now shut up please because you know nothing.

What crisis did you go through? How many books have you read and studied to get to where you are in your oh so young ass life? You picked up a book, started a blog and now you preach. You haven't put in the time. You're just maybe bored and thought you would go online and act like some investing god on your path to financial freedom and early retirement.

NO, you're a fucken faker. A wannabee douchebag cluttering up twitter and investing boards disguised as a knowledgeable investor. You know fuck all and have never paid your dues in the marketplace. Yet you somehow feel it's necessary to always be right when it comes to making money with stocks. How to buy them, when to sell them. What is short term thinking and long term believing.

Go do it instead of hanging out criticizing others about what they need to do to make it.

The ones that really piss me off are all those fakers with a blog who post income with no real return numbers. Oh hey, look at me. I brought in $200 in July, my best month ever. Why are you doing this? I mean who in the actual fuck are you helping with this useless information?

Post numbers of what you actually made that month, include everything. Be honest if you want to open yourself up to scrutiny. 

Stats don't lie but sometimes statisticians do!

I find it extremely frustrating and downright disgusting the lack of good blogs worth following here in Canada. Just a handful of real honest ones with real people who have actually accomplished something with money.

Most are just faking it because they haven't lived long enough to earn shit, haven't made shit and KNOW SHIT!

Most Canadians are in debt, $1.69 owed for every dollar earned. Yup just buying shit with money they don't have. Try to stay away from people like that. Chances are when they learn a lesson they will become another fake blogger to throw themselves at the heap.

I don't know, I visit a lot of blogs, discussion boards and internet forums. It's the same old same old everywhere you go. Most of the time everyone is giving each other a hand job along with confirmation about how well they're doing and just nodding in agreement or some other bullshit story.

It's the internet and everybody lies about what they think is the next great investment story or because they bought something it's definitely going to be a money maker. When you make money on it and can explain confidently about why it's a good move then share.

STOP trying to sell shit like your orange code or books or subscriptions to your newsletter when you haven't learned or earned shit to charge anybody for your shit. 

Keep your blog REAL. Keep your life and experience REAL. STOP trying to tell people how to make money when you can't or haven't done it yourself.

The other big thing that is a major fucken piss off to me is young millenial bloggers whining about boomers then trying to sell them on retirement advice. HUH? 

Thanks but if I want retirement advice I'll go get it from people living in retirement. They've done it and are living it. You are too busy doing useless fucken projections complete with fancy graphs about how much you need to live in retirement.

You want investing advice? I'll listen to someone successful at it and lives off investments. NOT pretenders who have a plan. You haven't put in the time because you're too young and living in the future. It's not enough.

You also plan to far ahead. I want to hear about the NOW. What are you doing NOW? Today!

One step and day at a time. 

I live in retirement and own income producing portfolios.

Go read Tom Connolly, Robin Speziale. Don't bother with 99.9% of the amateur blogs out there.

You want a 60/40 traditional portfolio go read Garth Turner.

Stop buying funds, ETFs, bonds and pref shares. They charge fees and rape you of money over the long term.

Stay out of debt and always invest your savings.

Buy quality companies that you actually have studied and know something about. Do you go on a long trip without your GPS or google maps. Have a fucken plan on how to get there. Same goes for investing.

STOP listening to amateurs.

This is my blog. NOT a fucken expert and NOT advive. This is for entertainment purposes.

Maybe the lack of sun and prevalence of cold days has me pissed. Oh and stay the fuck off twitter. Populated by a bunch of knowitall cunts!

Unfollow me, I don't give a fuck!

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